Reducing deliberation time between mission stakeholders to allow for greater scientific discovery during the Mars 2020 mission.


Literature Review
Competitive Analysis
Semi-structured interviews
Directed Storytelling
Iterative Diagramming


Tyler La
Angela Yung
John Sykes




6 months


In preparation for its upcoming launch, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Mars 2020 mission is working to reduce the amount of time spent planning rover operations in order to facilitate more time for scientific discovery. Rover planning at JPL is a complex decision- making problem, requiring consensus among various scientific and engineering domains competing for resources when choosing a course of action. This is complicated further by a fragmented tool ecosystem, geographical distribution of teams, and the fact that Mars’ distance requires all activities occur asynchronously.

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory tasked us with finding some way of reducing deliberation time between these competing stakeholders in order to facilitate greater scientific discovery.

Project documentation in progress. Come back for more soon :-)